
Events help during the season

President’s Cup May 2024

Congratulations to Frank O Donoghue winner. Kal Dosanjh was Runner-up.

David Bye Club President Presents the Cup

Friday Triples – 2024 Friday Triples now underway

Memorial Trophy 2023

A round of applause for Rod Heal, Linda O’Brien David Crumplin.

A great afternoon in the sunshine, well played to all

Australian Pairs 2024

Congratulations to Lorna and Fran beating Gabrielle and Cherry in the Final of the Australian Pairs

Well done to the ladies.

Covid Cup Winner 2024

Congratulations to Kal Dosanjh beating Linda and Phil in the Final

Captain’s Day Tournament 2024

Well done to Cherry Brock on winning Captain’s Day Trophy

Open Day 2024

The Supporters, Compo, Cleggy and Smiler

A special thanks to all those who attended the open day. A solid effort, despite fewer numbers than normal, and a big thank you to those family members who came and had a try. Let’s not forget the supporters pictured.

Ladies and Gents Winners 2024

Congratulations to the winners of the Ladies and Gents tournaments for overcoming the odds and taking home the trophies.